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Remembrance !!

"phir khyaal uska sataata hai
ankhon ke ru-ba-ru ho kar chipp jata hai.. "
today as i was doing nothing .. i remembered that one face ..just out of nowhere .. i was pulled into nostalgia by the mare thought of  her..i guess ,
i wasnt thinking anything when  out of nowhere she came up ..but i guess she was my first crush ..
and i remember a friend caught me on the fact ..i remember the talk with him out side of our school canteen  
as i was going in to buy something to eat when he pulled me out of the crowd and
said "tu ussey like karta hai naa" i was literally bushing anyways ..
it was during a CATE entrance exam when i met her sitting ryt next to me..carefully drilled into the ppr..i finished abt 10 mins before
and was left with nothing to do ..was looking around the room and there she was ..dont wanna name her but
lemme tell you the way my heart jumped .. the urge i felt to talk to her .. that was like an unquenchable thirst
so here is what i thought of doing  
i being a genius and never seen astonishment thought of just "staring at her while smiling (c'mon i was excited )"
so after finishing her paper she just handed it to the invigilator (tym was up and i had given mine as well)
collected her stuff and started walking towards the exit ..
when a voice disturbs her "Hey" i said very joyfully..
she said hi ...very bluntly ..
we were by the stairs by that tym and i introduced myself ..
hoping she would remember and it was 6 years indeed so i dont blame her and
finally she remembered .." oh mohit kaisa hai tu yaar"
well rest is just talking but thats the incident so later on she remembers all the hassle i used to go through for her..
later i confessed that she was my first crush .. we go to her home and i meet her mom and dad and her sister ..
thats the end of it .
oh and forgot the important thing ..
even if the person manages to leave ur sight ,ur touch he/she will always stay with mind important (her to me) or not (me to her)


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