The day went well, and pretty much stagnant .......
Nothing to do all day .. and it was a day like any other..during my evening i thought that maybe .. my friend is right..
i should always keep a diary with me .Today i enjoyed the evening though.. the chilly potato were awesome and the noodles were "a cherry on top".
Anyways just before dinner my glasses fell off when i bent down to pic up something .. and this thought was thus induced .
that we humans have became accustomed to our senses so much that even the slightest of disability is not ignored .but rather confronted .
How we care so much for our self that we overlook the need of other..
i was once taught... "rab ko mandiron , mazjidon, girja gharon ya gurdwaron mein nahi .. insaan mein dhoondo" .
It is in no way to critisize the teaching of any religion but this perticular line "insaan mein dhoondo" is taught in every religion.
If we are so eger to find god .. then why push the person in front in order to hurry while chanting his name..
why man has become so pestilence stricken that he only care for his own self...
"one day prophet BULLEH SHAH asked his teacher prophet INAYAT SHAH
.rab nu kive paana
INAYAT SHAH while gardening answered while demonstratig the process of sowing
he said , bulleya rab da ki pana .. eddaron kadd na te oddar lana "
how the modern world has corrupted the human mind in such a way that a human is only no contained to just himself..for he is way to self-centered
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