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I Dont Know #literally

well how are ya ..??
anyways i love this one particular movie ..its called "The Name Of The Rose"
if you like Sherlock Holmes" then you will love it too.. So i have watched this movie many times and
i love it.. awesome direction and the story is awesome but, what i love the most about this movie is the ending of it.. how the new monk in the movie leaves behind his love without even
so much as knowing the name of the rose .
Well i cant believe but i had actually lost this particular thread of my memory which was just recently returned ..
that i was at some college and enrolling for an entrance exam in english honors
(during this exam only i met my first crush)  .
i was in the line for about 30 mins and my dad was getting a  demand draft made ..(dont remember the fee).
so was standing in the line ready to submit the entrance form when
that one girl walks up to me asking for a pen.. and you know how the heroin's enter in a film ..
she was beautiful , had long hair , loved those round ear rings and was in a red top and blue jeans and the
whiff of her perfume was intoxicating (sounds cheesy right.. we all do when we describe our love :P ).
so for those few minutes i was pretty excited of what will come up next , how do i strike up a conversation ,
what should i say.. etc.. well she came to return what she asked for and "i got tongue tied" ( pfft) .
i mean that is one thing that has never happened to me while talking to a girl.. no matter how beautiful she is.
Anyways .. that was the end of it .. never saw her/ met her  again after that ..
but still think i should have asked for her name  :P 
would at least know something about her  ..
but i guess not knowing her name was just another facet of the picture of her beauty in my mind 


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