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Psychoanalysis 101

heyo ..
   Well i was troubled and gave it a tad too much thought but it is truly said that 
"An empty mind is devil's workshop"
been some days since i have been craving the need to meet a friend.. but 
i have been suppressing it  and im not sure if that is a reason to my current situation . 
So it was recently brought to my notice that the music we like at a certain timeline is basically 
because the music provides us with the emotional stimulus that our brain requires .
I commented so on a teacher's status and got a reply " hmm" . Now, i don't know if that was a 
yes or maybe .. but i know that it wasn't a no. so i have been listening to music 
love songs, dub-step, rock and metal :P and god know what ...!! 
but anyways here is the psychoanalysis 
i think i am getting aggressive .. i feel like angry all the time and as i have been pointed out by my dad 
 i seem to be restless and impulsive any guess what could be the reason .. 
because its been going on and off for a while now .. and i hate this new self ..
i seemed to have insufferable to peoples mistakes .. no matter how small they are, 
no matter how worthless they are , I regardless of it all care to think about them and wish to point em out . 
i must be turning into an insufferable idiot .. i don't know what on earth will become of this . 
Recently there is this one guy who is the most girlish .. 
i mean c'mon if you are so interested in bitching  then go ahead and open a counter or better 
i can toss you into one .
GOD this damn anger ..
i was getting provocated  by two clowns 2 days before because they were stupid enough to 
consider a comment and misunderstand it entirely called me out names , i had never even met em ...
and by the end of day i wanted to go and meet em .. 
i might not be the most powerful guy ... but still i had this itch to at least break their arms 
(its easy if you want to know i know the trick .. pradyut once almost got his broken  
i was an idiot and i apologized to him for 2 days ..) 
but here is the deal i don't wanna be like this .. had enough and wanna end it ..
it is understandable that anger just needs utilization of energy so you would calm down 
but any suggestions .. 
because i still cant run and don't have a punching bag at all .


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