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The Untiteld

Ever wondered what could be the possible cause of a blessing, I mean we all question god or blame someone for a tragedy or something as meagre as weather (trust me you have said it once in a while that "oh god why is it so hot/cold?" depending on where you are placed geographically). The fool had just been stuck with this dilemma that why has he been blessed to live twice, through 2 lethal accidents.

Then a theory stuck his mind, he was always clear with the fact that "how in a mysterious way life works and one achieves heaven or is sent back to hell" yes, he believes life to be the hell, a place where you go through a hitherto of emotions, desires, feelings, needs, wants, bonds and expectations. Expectations being the worst of all, "you think you are fee of those" the fool asked me one day. I replied yes, I dont have anyone who expects anything of me. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the fool burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. what about the ones you know, do they not expect any thing of you, zilch??

Do you know that your parents even expect a lot from you and if you are not doing it they make you realize that what they are doing is their duty? do you deserve your parents duty. The fool was indeed shocked, duty, why to raise someone to fulfill a duty, let it die and you have no worries. These duties are what seem to be the problem, these expectations, expectation of the parents to do this not that, expectations of the society to do this not that and thus a constant war rages on between a this and that all through life. The fool felt sorry for those who live,  and pitied those who feared death said "I would gladly accept death". 


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