Hey readers, So this post is about how I hopelessly fell in love with someone and what followed was the horrendous mistake. I shall engage you in a related topic first, you all must be know that there are various apps on our smartphones which match people so here I am narrating the story of one app that my friend suggested to me about a month back. It started off as a joke with him and he was boasting about how many matches he had got, while I could see that most of the matches in his chat window didn't have a profile pic, poor sod how desperate to have liked women with no profile pics at all!! Anyways I joked that is it would be a Punjabi app it will be called "satinder" (Funny ryt, well .. What can I say). So this app came with a new feature recently, a Superlike, only at a swipe of the thumb(upward). So, on the Sunday afternoon 24/10/15. I received one of those and I was like "oh my god am I anywhere near this handsome, and got to talking the girl ryt away...